International English Bible: A New Testament Translation
AN EASY-TO-READ, ACCURATE BIBLE TRANSLATION THAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND. The International English Bible (IEB) was translated by Dr. Andrew Jackson, a teacher and author familiar with the original language of the New Testament and an expert in its historical and geographical context. The IEB is the version of choice for many pastors, Christian adults, youth, new Christians, those reading the Bible for the first time, and people who speak English as a second language. The IEB is written in simple language for an ordinary person, it offers both accuracy and ease of reading. The IEB is the version of choice for many Christian adults, but also youth, new Christians, those reading the Bible for the first time, and people who speak English as a second language.
Unique features include:
- Easy to read paragraph layouts
- Inline citations of Old Testament quotes
- Geographical points keyed to modern-day places
- Brief historical explanations
- Modern-day units of measurement
- Simple vocabulary
- Descriptive subheadings
The Jesus Workbook: A Self-Guided Study of a Chronological Harmony of the Gospels
A chronological harmony of the Gospels is an attempt to create a single, merged narrative of the life and teaching of Jesus out of the common and diverse material recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
The New Testament Workbook: A Self-Guided Study from Acts to Revelation
Unfortunately, many Christians read the Bible, but very few spend in-depth time studying it themselves. The New Testament Workbook is not a commentary, but is a devotional study “workbook” that you can study, reflect on, and write in.
The Angels Workbook: A Self-Guided Study of Angels in the New Testament
The Angels Workbook contains all the passages in the New Testament that mention the declarations and ministry activities of angels—beginning with the birth announcement of John the Baptist and Mary’s virgin birth of Jesus to the final judgment of the world. The New Testament begins and ends with the presence of angels.
The Cross of Jesus Workbook: A Self-Guided Study of Jesus’ Crucifixion in the New Testament
The Cross of Jesus Workbook contains all the passages in the New Testament that mention the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ death is central to the eternal purpose of God. The cross of Jesus is essential to the message of the gospel (good news) of grace, the forgiveness of our sins, and eternal life.
The Heaven Workbook: A Self-Guided Study of Heaven in the New Testament
The Heaven Workbook contains all the passages in the New Testament that mention the topic of heaven. Although Christians believe in heaven, not many of us have thoroughly studied the topic of heaven throughout the New Testament. Many of our lives are dominated by the cares and burdens of this world, but the New Testament teaches us that our hope is heaven, and ultimately the new heaven and new earth.
The Resurrection of Jesus Workbook: A Self-Guided Study of Jesus’ Resurrection in the New Testament
The Resurrection of Jesus Workbook contains all the passages in the New Testament that mention the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Along with Jesus’ death, the resurrection of Jesus is central to the eternal purpose of God. Following Jesus’ resurrection, he was exalted to God’s right hand of power and rules as Lord of heaven and earth.
The Love Workbook: A Self-Guided Study of Love in the New Testament
The Love Workbook contains all the passages in the New Testament that mention the word “love.” Because the Bible states that “God is love,” love is one of the most important topics in the New Testament. Love fulfills all the commands of the Old Testament, and Jesus taught that the greatest commandments are to love God with our whole being and to love our neighbor as we love ourself.
The Holy Spirit Workbook: A Self-Guided Study of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament
The Holy Spirit Workbook contains all the passages in the New Testament that mention the person, gifts, and ministry of the Holy Spirit—beginning with the birth announcement of John the Baptist to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel Workbook – A Self-Guided Study of the Word “Gospel” in the New Testament
The Gospel Workbook contains all the passages in the New Testament that mention the proclamation and content of the Gospel. The word “Gospel” means good news. Jesus and his apostles identified the word Gospel with the arrival of the kingdom of God (Heaven), and the rest of the New Testament primarily identifies the Gospel with the Jesus’ incarnation, ministry, death, resurrection, ascension enthronement, and second coming.
The Satan and Demons Workbook: A Self-Guided Study of Satan and Demons in the New Testament
The Satan and Demons Workbook contains all the passages in the New Testament that mention Satan and demons—beginning with the temptation of Jesus and ending with their final and eternal judgment of God. Satan and demons are fallen angels from heaven, and the New Testament thoroughly documents the deceptive activities of Satan and demons.
The Satan and Demons Workbook: A Self-Guided Study of Satan and Demons in the New Testament
The Satan and Demons Workbook contains all the passages in the New Testament that mention Satan and demons—beginning with the temptation of Jesus and ending with their final and eternal judgment of God. Satan and demons are fallen angels from heaven, and the New Testament thoroughly documents the deceptive activities of Satan and demons.
The Lost Land of the Bible
Prayer Pilgrimages Through Turkey
Along with introductory chapters, “The Lost Land of the Bible” contains eight prayer pilgrimages (travel journeys) through the seven official regions and 81 provinces of Turkey. It also contains in-depth information on the Bible backgrounds and early Christianity of Turkey.
The Way of Jesus: Living a Life of Grace and Hope Toward Others
The Way of Jesus provides biblical and practical insight on how Christians can live authentic lives of grace and hope toward other people. We must be liberated from impersonal witnessing methods, inflexible witnessing scripts, ineffective witnessing programs, and liberated to the witnessing style of Jesus.
Istanbul: A Guide Inside the Early Church of Constantinople
Istanbul: A Guide Inside the Early Church of Constantinople is an introductory guide to people, places, events, and texts of the early church of the city of Constantinople. The time frame of the book is more functional than academic, it begins with the New Testament and ends in 1453.
A Guide Inside the Early Church of Asia Minor: 300 Profiles
A Guide Inside the Early Church of Asia Minor is an introductory guide to people, places, events, and texts of the early church of Asia Minor (modern Turkey). The time frame of the book is more functional than academic, it begins with the New Testament and ends in 1453.